Head Office - LCB Building Plot No.33, Sector: E-8, Phase-7, Hayatabad, Peshawar
Register Complaint 24/7 Complaint Cell: 1334

Water & Sanitation Services Peshawar

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1334 Complaint Cell

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Yasir Ali Khan

Dear Readers and Residents

As the Chief Executive Officer, I am deeply committed to leading a team that is striving to enhance the quality of life for the people of Peshawar through sustainable water, sanitation, and waste management solutions.

Our Vision

To bring Water and Sanitation services of Peshawar City at Par with International standards.

Our Mission

Provision of Water and Sanitation services at sustainable levels to our customers and other stakeholders in line with our vision statement that meet all our customer’s needs and expectations within the jurisdiction boundaries of the company through utilization of outcome-based innovative, creative, and contemporary systems and technology.

What we do

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Clean Drinking Water

We provide clean and healthy drinking water to all over Peshawar

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Solid Waste Managment

To make Peshawar city green and clean WSSP is performing it duties at the very best to dispose all solid waste

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Sewerage System

We at WSSP provide effective sewerage and drainage system along with rehabilitation of waste water

Recent Updates

Recent Updates

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A meeting was held under the chair of honourable CEO_WSSP, where former professor Dr. Sarfaraz Khan and his team from Shirkat Gah expressed their commitment to support WSSP's awareness initiatives on volunteer basis.

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CEO WSSP Yasir Ali Khan chaired a progress review meeting in which performance, indicators and targets achievement for the month of February came under discussion. GM Ops, GM PMER, CFO CIA, Zonal Managers and other officials attended the meeting. The chair expressed satisfaction over the monthly performance and directed for further improvement.

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CEO WSSP paid a surprise visit to check the cleanliness of the city. GM Operation Muhammad Ijaz accompanied him. He appreciated the workers and emphasised the high quality of services for the citizens in the holy month of Ramazan.

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All WSSCs MIS Staff Training On Operation Dash Board

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Filed visit by CEO WSSP

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Meeting with Industrial Association Peshawar for recycling business collaboration and CSR activities

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