A meeting was held under the chair of honourable CEO_WSSP, where former professor Dr. Sarfaraz Khan and his team from Shirkat Gah expressed their commitment to support WSSP's awareness initiatives on volunteer basis.
CEO WSSP Yasir Ali Khan chaired a progress review meeting in which performance, indicators and targets achievement for the month of February came under discussion. GM Ops, GM PMER, CFO CIA, Zonal Managers and other officials attended the meeting. The chair expressed satisfaction over the monthly performance and directed for further improvement.
CEO WSSP paid a surprise visit to check the cleanliness of the city. GM Operation Muhammad Ijaz accompanied him. He appreciated the workers and emphasised the high quality of services for the citizens in the holy month of Ramazan.
All WSSCs MIS Staff Training On Operation Dash Board
Filed visit by CEO WSSP
Meeting with Industrial Association Peshawar for recycling business collaboration and CSR activities